the sun is sparkling, the rain rumbling, and we badly need some poetry...

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Christopher Kenneth Hanson - 1 Poem

"X Monster"

With this bag over my head,
I would understand your state of fright.
I need it to walk the streets safely though.
And just like you, I have always feared my form.
In dreams, I would hope to speak softly to a dear lady friend.
In dreams, I would look at her with my desired form and face.
And that she would understand now that my heart was decent,
A satisfaction of romantic bliss could not equal this twinkle in my eye.
I would wait a thousand life times for a chance to be loved by her.
I would travel and be tested a thousand more to earn her adoration.
And that such a lovely woman would ever call my name,
I would weep by her side and thank her for blessed kindness. 

BIO:  Christopher Kenneth Hanson is an innovative poet from New Jersey. You may find Christopher's art and poetry via the internet by searching additionally for ckhanson81.